Lost in the Ocean

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Lost in the Ocean


Physical work of the same subject also available for a phygital package sale: physical work + NFT


Svccy, is an Italian digital artist. He began his artistic training in 2016, specializing in digital collage art and then venturing into the field of 3D graphics. His art is inspired by the Vaporwave current, with a darker and more introspective variant that reflects the condition of the contemporary individual influenced by technology and ultra-consumerist society. His artistic research explores themes of identity, authenticity and illusory freedom in the age of media and technological revolution. Svccy’s works are characterized by statuesque human figures without faces or covered by objects, to represent the lack of individual identity in today’s society. To the complex animated compositions he adds music, also created by the artist himself, for a completeness of the unique work at 360 degrees. In January 2023 he was one of the first Italian artist to be selected for a solo exhibition at the famous and innovative location in London W1 Curates, in Oxford Street, curated by Zanini Arte entitled “Dystopian Constructions”. An entirely immersive installation that anticipated the most famous names on the international crypto scene. In the spring of the same year, he exhibited in Shibuya, Tokyo in collaboration with NEO Shibuya TV and he participated in the Digital Art Week of Milan. He was chosen as digital artist to illustrate the works “Norma” by Vincenzo Bellini and “Nabucco” by Giuseppe Verdi during the Autumn Trilogy 2023 event of the Ravenna Festival, under the direction of Maestro Riccardo Muti. Svccy’s artworks have introduced avant-garde stage designs, applying digital art in a revolutionary way to the traditional theater world, particularly within Opera. Selected among the 12 digital artists of the VDA Award for its first 2023 edition. In addition, he has been selected as spotlight artist for the DALL-E software, the artificial intelligence algorithm capable of generating images, developed by the renowned research laboratory OpenAI. He actively collaborates worldwide with Art Point (Paris, France) and with the web3 community WoW (World of Women). Winner of the Giovanarte 2024 award. The jury of experts, chaired by Chiara Canali and made up of Stefano Antonio Marchesi, President of the “Friends of Art” Association, Silvia Bonomini, Franco Spaggiari, Sofia Baldi Pighi and M. Chiara Cardini declared him the winner absolute, noting in the young artist an innovative vision and technical mastery of new technologies. Svccy is represented by the Zanini Arte gallery (Mantova, Italy) as a phygital artist, taking part in several art fairs and exhibitions.

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Crypto Arts - NFT

Zanini Arte