Phygital (Physical + Digital), keyword of this new era, is the idea of using technology to connect the digital world to the physical one with the goal to create unique interactive experiences. 

The phygital brings the digital in the real world, and vice versa: creating a physical counterpart of the digital creation, or animating a physical work digitally, thus recontextualizing the artist’s work within their own real and digital spaces.

For many artists art is art, there is no distinction of categories; what is changing it is the medium: no longer of the realization only, but of the fruition too. From the material that can be touched to the animation that can be observed. There is no distinction. Both ways of making art are bringing the artist’s luggage with them into the creative process. The digital animation of the works allows the artists to pass on an additional message which completes the static nature of traditional art such as painting or sculpture, but for some artists at the same time there is an absolute need to continue to express their physical gesture through the material.

                                               Andrea Crespi

                                                      Cris Devil

Who are some of the artists who create in phygital?

  • Andrea Crespi, loves to experiment and to play with the optical illusion of the observer. Through constant research for different media: from canvas to NFT, it places the observer in front of the most current issues of contemporary society with its unique optical texture, nothing is immediate. 
  • Svccy, dialogues between the physicality of the traditional work and the animation of the NFT work, with his exceptional mastery. It takes Vaporwave art to new web3 levels.
  • Cris Devil, through his physical and digital works try to transport the observer in his world, full of irony, fantasy and irreverence to distract him from a reality that often does not belong to him.
  • Renzo Nucara, one of the founder of craking art movement, with his physical works, he has been creating NFT works and Augmented Reality ones since the beginning of the crypto art movement, being present on the famous marketplace SuperRare since its creation in 2018.


                                                    Renzo Nucara

Rather than a simple process of translating digital objects into the real world, phygital should be seen as an opportunity to use this intersection of the real and the digital, as a new medium for artistic innovation, as a deeper and more sophisticated research.

The two physical and digital worlds, in art, as in real life by now, constantly intertwine to allow the artist to express himself in an ever more complete way, adding value to his creations in innovative ways, and at the same time providing the collector with new artistic forms. 

Zanini Arte